Pupils with identified SEND constitute around 15% of the school population yet account for nearly half of all permanent and fixed-period exclusions. Three-quarters of autistic children do not claim to feel happy and included at school, and a significant proportion of neuro-divergent pupils are labelled ‘school refusers’ for their irregular attendance. Ofsted has highlighted ‘significant weaknesses’ in the SEND system and reported a disproportionate number of children with SEND being removed from schools by their parents to be home educated.

In 2022 we published a review of flexi-schooling in the UK with special emphasis on children with special educational needs and disabilities. The report noted a lack of academic study in this area and recommended further research to create a reliable body of evidence to inform policy at national and local levels.

In collaboration with Bishop Grosseteste University (Lincoln), we are now conducting survey of the perspectives of parents/carers and schools on whether flexi-schooling provides well-being and learning engagement benefits for children with learning differences, difficulties and disabilities.

The survey will run from 13 November to 8 December 2023 and is being supported by Disability Rights UK and the Centre for Personalised Education.

How to participate! 

Participation for this project has now closed.  Thank you to everyone who participated, without whom we would be unable to explore flexi-schooling like we have.

Do you have thoughts about our education system that you would like to understand further?  Contact us here and we would be thrilled to discuss how we can help develop insight with you.